台北南京復興捷運站美食 | 入選米其林美食指南的老字號牛肉麵—林東芳牛肉麵 Michelin Guide Taipei beef noodle restaurant

大家好,這裡是WalkLife徒步生活。今天要為大家介紹的是位於台北中山區八德路的牛肉麵店—林東芳牛肉麵。這家老字號的牛肉麵店的發跡地就在八德路這邊,後來有一陣子搬去安東街。現在又搬回來,這家牛肉麵的口味受到中外老饕的喜愛。今天就讓我們一起來吃看看,這家牛肉麵的口味吧! 這次點的是牛肉麵(L:$200NT),另外還加點了一盤牛肚($150NT),牛肉麵的價格算是非常親民,一共有三大塊的牛肉。

螢幕快照 2020-01-05 11.38.37螢幕快照 2020-01-05 11.38.28

他的筋跟肉的配比是恰當好處,只是吃起來的口感有點硬,牛肚則是非常的香跟順口。總體來說湯底是拌有點中藥材的味道,有點偏鹹,它的麵是屬於比較粗的粗麵。 最後不得不說,這裡的人龍真的很長,晚上7點多以為不是晚餐時間。殊不知,也是要排隊。出來8點鐘,排隊的人反而更多了。來台北旅遊的朋友,不妨來這裡看看~曾經在2018年入選《台北米其林美食指南》的牛肉麵店!



價格:$200NT UP


Hello, this is WalkLife. Today I'd like to introduce Lin dongfang beef noodles, a beef noodle shop located on bade road, zhongshan district, Taipei. This time-respected beef noodle shop prospered on this side of balde road, and then moved to antonin street for a while. Now back, the beef noodles are popular with Chinese and foreign gourmands. Let's have a look at the taste of beef noodles. This time, I ordered beef noodles (L: $200NT) and a plate of tripe ($150NT). The beef noodles are very affordable, with three big pieces of beef in total. His sinew and meat ratio is appropriate benefits, but the taste is a bit hard, tripe is very fragrant and smooth. Generally speaking, the bottom of the soup is mixed with some traditional Chinese medicine taste, a little salty, its surface is a relatively thick surface. In the end, I have to say, the people here are really long, more than 7pm thought it was not dinner time. But they also have to wait in line. At 8 o 'clock, the line was even bigger. For those of you visiting Taipei, check out the beef noodle shop that was listed in the Michelin guide of Taipei in 2018!


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