一般在越南的印度咖哩店,都是印度人,所以跟他們講英文會比越南語還通。印度咖哩的價格以之前也有拍過一集位於胡志明市的印度咖哩為例,當時那家店的價位大約是18-20萬越南盾一盤咖哩,4萬5一大片Naan。而這家咖哩店的名字叫做 Kolkatta Indian Restarant,他的咖哩價格會更再評價一些大約是9萬-10萬越南盾,naan是2萬5一大片。是目前維持吃過最划算的印度咖哩。 前幾天看到一篇新聞,說印度在這次coronavirus的感染案例只出現了3起,此外,前些日次兩次專機從武漢撤回的645人之中,經過14天的隔離與檢測,沒有人感染coronaviruse,在2002爆發的SARS,印度也是安然無恙,就有人開始研究起印度料理中的,種種辛香料,是否是對身體有增強免疫力的功能而感到好奇。
我有一位馬來西亞朋友,他的太太是越南人,他說他最喜歡吃的就是咖哩,尤其是印度咖哩,於是他太太所幸就幫他網購訂了一丟的咖哩料理包,放在家裡,讓他自己每天自己煮。 好的,今天我們就來實際體驗一下,在越南的印度咖哩吧! Masala是一種混合多種辛香料的調味料,不過我們可以吃得出來大蒜、薑、洋蔥等粉末,非常的香。
Kolkatta Indian Restaurant
12G1 Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Đa Kao, Quận 1, Hồ Chí Minh WalkLife WalkLife WalkLife WalkLife WalkLife WalkLife WalkLife WalkLife WalkLife In the beautiful spring season, it's time for the little foodies to hang out. From ho chi minh first county humanities and social university not too far away, suddenly found an Indian curry shop, and looked up the name, found that he happened to have a sign included in the want to go to one of the list, but here to remind everyone. GOOGLE marked the address is their old address, in fact, they are not the location is not in the GOOGLE address, I also admire that I can find him, perhaps this is the so-called invisible in the own master, the actual location, I will write in the bottom of the video, welcome to follow the message. . Most Indian curry shops in Vietnam are Indian, so speaking English to them is better than Vietnamese. The price of Indian curry, for example, was about 180,000 to 200,000 Vietnamese dong for a plate of curry and 45,000 yuan for a large piece of Naan. The curry shop is called Kolkatta Indian Restarant, and its curry price is estimated to be around 90,000-100,000 Vietnamese dong, while naan is 25,000 yuan. By far the best Indian curry you've ever eaten. Saw a news a few days ago, said that India in the coronavirus infection cases appeared only three, in addition, the other two day time plane from wuhan withdrawal of 645 people, after 14 days of quarantine and inspection, nobody coronaviruse infection, the outbreak of SARS in 2002, India is also safe, they began to study in the Indian food, a variety of spices, whether it is to the body has the function of immunity and curious. I have a Malaysian friend whose wife is Vietnamese. He said his favorite food is curry, especially Indian curry, so his wife luckily ordered a lost curry package for him online and left it at home for him to cook by himself every day. Ok, today we are going to have a real taste of Indian curry in Vietnam. Masala is a mixture of spices, but we can eat garlic, ginger, Onions and other powder, very fragrant. Kolkatta India Restaurant 12 g1 Nguy ễ n Th ị Minh Khai, Đ a Kao, Qu ậ n 1 H ồ Chi Minh