越南旅遊租房篇 | $220USD在越南胡志明租房子?實際帶你來找租房 $220 Vietnam Apartment Tour Saigon
大家好這裡是WalkLife徒步生活。今天是20202年2月14日。這集我要跟大家分享在越南租屋的故事。教大家在越南如何找房子,找房子的時候要注意哪些事情?也會實際去找一間房子給大家看。 第一次來越南的時候,懷著各種忐忑的心情,食衣住行,最怕沒地方住。所以在來越南之前現在網路找好的。在出發之前先在網路上找好了房子,這邊給大家找房子的關鍵字。不會越南語沒關係,關鍵字可以打「你的城市+rent apartment」。例如像我當初想要來胡志明市,我就打「hochiminh rent apartment」,在網路上就會出現很多資料。
1. 要不要私人的廁所?
2. 預算大概是多少USD?
3. 地址區域? 基本上看房子,就跟買東西一樣,貨比三家絕對不吃虧。先要瞭解行情,才能知道怎麼殺價。
我習慣是去第一家學經驗,去第二家開始練口才,第三家開始殺價。 接下來我會放一段,我之前第一次來越南找到的房子提供給大家參考。這個在FB找到的房子,價格是550萬越南盾,包水電,房東還會講中文。一樓是咖啡廳,在還沒有來越南之前,我以為毫無懸念的我應該會住在這裡。不過實際走訪之後,就發現幾個問題,最主要的問題就是採光不夠明亮、其次是當天去看房,前一個訪客的垃圾還沒有清走,所以感覺有點髒亂。也有看到小蟲在飛,當下覺得苗頭不對。立即打開FB繼續找房子。 在第一郡大約是250USD價格的房間類型 以胡志明來說,第一郡跟第三郡的價格房價是最貴的,有點像是台北市的概念,價格大約是250USD左右。
而這個如果在第7郡或者平盛郡 Bình Thạnh,250USD說不定就能住到非常不錯的房子。 但因為自己不喜歡騎車,也不喜歡坐公車的通勤時間。來越南之後,就很健康的只喜歡走路,所以傾向住在離學校比較近的地方。不過我的找房子經歷也是非常波折。第一次來越南,因為是網路上只看幾張圖片就決定去看看的房子,照片給人的感覺都覺得很好看。不過實際走訪才知道,不是這麼一回事。 一般看房子,建議大家要注意價格小細節 第一個是窗戶,有沒有對外窗,採光好不好。這個對我來說是非常重要的一個環節,有陽光的好處。就是早睡早起精神好,來越南之後,我徹底變成了一個晨型人 ,天亮就起床,自然醒大約是6點,有時候5點就起來。絕對不是被熱醒,因為我有開冷氣。然後就覺得一天的時間變得分外充裕。而這我覺得是因為有陽光的房間帶給我的動力。 胡志明的天氣真的很不錯,雖然時常狂放暴雨,不過很快就放晴,現在雖然是2月份的冬末初春,但在胡志明卻是不太熱的「夏天」,溫度大概是27度左右。 採光、是否是共用廁所、還有水龍頭的出水量 再來我們要看的是有沒有自己的廁所,如果沒有要看公共廁所的環境如何?還有有無熱水。我記得我來胡志明第一間租,可以用惡夢來形容。不過剛開始會覺得非常的漂亮。因為採光非常的好,而當時剛來越南,覺得有房子住就不容易了,而且價格才500萬越南盾。也沒有押金,後來這股腦熱結束之後,才發現自己怎麼這麼傻,他的廁所是公共廁所,而且我住在頂樓,公共廁所在一樓。但這也算了,一樓廁所還會三不五時有蟑螂亂入。
所以大家,一定要記得確認廁所是否是公共。如果是公共一定要確認環境衛生,在越南因為是透天厝比較多,公共廁所可以理解,但是如果室友是不愛乾淨的人,最後糟蹋的一定是自己的衛生環境。 第三個就是要注意用水量,有些房子的出水量偏少,還有因為是太陽能的熱水器,水溫不是很熱。這部分大家在檢驗房子的時候一定要注意。
在這裡提供大家幾句越南語: Xin lỗi ,có phòng không?
或者就是có cho thuê phồng không 其實對我們來說這個還是蠻好記的。但唸起來好像是「退房」?
其實就是租房,然後一般就會說có,有的話就可以開始詢問一些細節。 例如bao nhiêu tiện một tháng?
一個月多少錢? 一般越南人也會報美元,這時候也可以請他們報一下越南盾的價格?
Khoảng bao nhiêu việt nam đòng? 這時候,屋主就會拿起計算機 算 1:23300,建議大家先去換錢,大概心裡對於匯兌有一個概念。例如我聽到是23300 | $220USD to rent a house in ho chi minh? Actually take you to find a room for $220 Vietnam Apartment Tour Saigon Hello, everyone. This is WalkLife. Today is February 14, 20202. In this video I'm going to share with you a story about renting a house in Vietnam. How to find a house in Vietnam, what should you pay attention to when looking for a house? I'll actually find a room to show you. When I first came to Vietnam, I had all kinds of butterflies in my stomach. So before you come to Vietnam, you can find it online now. Before the departure, I found the house on the Internet. Here are the key words to find the house for everyone. It doesn't matter if you don't speak Vietnamese, you can type "your city +rent apartment." For example, when I wanted to come to hochiminh city, I called "hochiminh rent apartment" and there was a lot of information on the Internet. It is generally recommended that you hit: Would you like a private toilet? 2. What is the approximate budget in USD? 3. Address area? Basically, looking at a house is the same as shopping. To understand the market, to know how to bargain. I used to go to the first to learn experience, to the second to practice eloquence, the third to start bargaining. I'm going to show you a paragraph about a house that I found during my first trip to Vietnam. The price of this house found in FB is 5.5 million Vietnamese dong, including water and electricity, and the landlord can also speak Chinese. The first floor is a cafe. Before I came to Vietnam, I thought there was no doubt that I would stay here. However, after the actual visit, we found several problems, the main problem is not enough bright lighting, followed by the same day to see the house, the previous visitor's garbage has not been cleared away, so I feel a little dirty. There are also seen in the small insects flying, at the moment that the seedlings do not feel right. Immediately open FB to continue looking for the house. blic. If it is the public must confirm the environmental sanitation, in Vietnam because of the room is more transparent, public toilets can be understood, but if the roommate is not clean people, the final waste must be their own sanitary environment. The third is to pay attention to the amount of water, some houses of water is less, and because it is solar water heater, water temperature is not very hot. This part you must pay attention to when you examine the house. So how exactly are we going to ask about the house? Here are a few words in Vietnamese: Xin ỗ l I, co phong khong? Or just co cho thue ph ồ ng khong actually for us, this is pretty easy to remember. But it sounds like "check out"? Actually rent a house, then general meeting says co, have a word to be able to begin to ask a few details. Such as bao nhieu ti ệ n ộ m. t thang? How much is it a month? Vietnamese will also quote us dollars, at this time can also ask them to quote the price of dong? Kho ả ng bao nhieu vi ệ t nam đ ong? At this time, the house owner will pick up the computer to calculate 1:23,300, we suggest to change money first, probably have a concept of exchange in mind. For example, I hear 23300