越南胡志明自由行第一郡美食 | $200NT吃得很飽的韓式烤肉 Nhà Hàng Mr.BBQ 大家好,这里是WalkLife徒步生活。今天吃什麼好呢?決定來去吃韓式BBQ。在越南有一個特別方便的App,就是這個Foody。在Foody上可以按區域,按美食類別,會跳出餐廳。不僅會告訴你在哪裡,有些也有菜單,甚至有些餐廳連Wifi-密碼都有。不過要注意,有一些美食,特別是街頭小吃的刊登就不太準確,曾經我找過2家,要去買榴槤烤餅的店,上面指標寫在某條街,結果去都沒找到。也有可能是街頭小吃出沒的時間不一定,神出鬼沒的小吃攤。
不知不覺我們就快走到了今天的目的地, Mr.BBQ,這家餐廳的名字是不是非常好記呢?在越南有許多這種小巷子,完全搞不清楚這是幾號。上面寫是27號 Phạm Ngọc Thạch,以為是靠大馬路上,誰知轉進來還有一個迴廊的走到,不過這裡的壁畫真的很特別。 啊~我就說這裡不太像是有肉的地方。剛剛小姐說nhà hàng在右手邊,nha han是餐廳的意思。她門口盡然還有放冰淇淋,走進來的時候跟店員說mot nguoi一個人,她們就示意我隨便坐,那就坐窗邊的位置。他的豬五花比較偏瘦肉,但是價格非常便宜。只要15萬越南盾(大約6美金/200台幣),就有一個巨型套餐。
只可惜他的小菜不能續加,不過真的份量十足,小菜也非常好吃 有一次我回台灣的時候,就上吐下瀉還頭暈暈腦脹脹,還好那時候還沒有新型冠狀病毒。但適逢中秋節,醫生就問我是不是吃太多烤肉了?我說沒有,醫生就問我吃了什麼,我說吃了一堆生菜,他說生菜沒洗乾淨也是有寄生蟲的。突然頓時覺得很緊張,後來醫生又說,沒事的。如果是寄生蟲不會那麼快發作。
Vietnam FoodPorn in Saigon District 1 | $200NT stuffed Korean barbecue Nha Hang Mr.BBQ Hi, this is WalkLife. What shall we eat today? Decided to go and eat Korean BBQ. There's a very convenient App in Vietnam, which is this Foody. On Foody, you can go by region, by food category, and it will jump out of the restaurant. Not only does it tell you where you are, some have menus, and some restaurants even have wi-fi-passwords. However, it should be noted that the publication of some delicacies, especially street snacks, is not accurate. I once looked for two stores that wanted to buy durian scones, and the index was written in a certain street, but I couldn't find them. It is also possible that the time of the street food is not certain, elusive food stalls. Before you know it, we are almost at our destination, Mr.BBQ. Isn't the name of this restaurant very memorable? There are so many of these alleys in Vietnam, it's hard to know what number they are. Ph is above 27 m ạ Ng ọ c Th ạ ch, thought it was on the sidewalk, but turn of walk to come in a corridor, the murals but here is really very special. Ah, I'm just saying this isn't much of a meat place. Nha hang is on the right hand side. Nha han means restaurant. She had ice cream at the door, and when she came in, she said to the clerk, "there's a mot nguoi," and they motioned me to sit wherever I wanted, by the window. His pigs are more lean, but very cheap. For 150,000 Vietnamese dong (about us $6 / t $200), there's a giant meal. It's a pity his side dishes can't be added, but they are really heavy and delicious Once when I was back in Taiwan, I had vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and dizziness. Fortunately, there was no new coronavirus at that time. But it was Mid-Autumn festival and the doctor asked me if I was eating too much barbecue. When I said no, the doctor asked me what I had eaten. I said I had eaten a bunch of lettuce. Suddenly feel very nervous, and then the doctor said, it's ok. If it's a parasite, it doesn't come on so quickly.