越南胡志明自由行 | 老字號Pho店2.3USD的牛肉河粉-Phở Cao Vân 大家好,這裡是WalkLife徒步生活。
今天我們要一起去吃河粉。俗話說的好,書中自有黃金屋,書中自有美食粗(臺灣國語諧音這樣就有押韻到)。某日上課有一日唸到一篇課文,說到有一個人每天都在pasteur街的一家pho店吃飯。 老師便開始滔滔不絕的介紹起胡志明有名的河粉店。距離學校最近的是Phở Cao Vân。步行距離大概只有10分鐘就到了。起初剛來越南的時候,我以為pho 24就是我吃過最好吃的一家pho店。殊不知老師一聽到馬上默默搖頭,啊 那是Công nghiệp ,的越南語就是工業,怎麼說是工業產品呢?並不是因為添加化學藥劑。這點我自己吃過很多次,吃完也沒有覺得很口渴。
作為麵食王國的越南,pho是其中之一最主要的麵食。此外它主要的湯底配方有pho ga雞肉pho,再來就是pho bo 牛肉pho。也不要小看牛肉pho的種類。根據熟度還有取料部位,又分為tái gàu gâm nan。老師建議我們自己是獨自品嚐一下,就知道這些到底是什麼部位了,當然你也可以直接點一份dat biet就是特別的意思,幾乎以上所有通通都有。 好的不知不覺我們就走到了這家 pho cao van。
這家的pho店如果老師沒說,其實外觀上看起來就是普通的一家pho店,之前有看過一次價格是55.000越南盾,大約台幣72塊錢左右。價格在第一郡的價格是中等偏高,不過它的用料十足,吃到後來都在品嚐它鮮美的肉。Tai其實是半熟的牛肉河粉,所以大家可以看到會透出粉色的顏色,其實是剛好煮熟非常的好吃。 另外不得不說它的醬料,也是極具巧思。加上他的神秘紅色醬料,瞬間提升了PHO的鮮味。
店名:Phở Cao Vân
地址:25 Mạc Đĩnh Chi, Đa Kao, Quận 1
Hồ Chí Minh Vietnam ho chi minh free line | old beef Pho Pho shop 2.3 USD - Ph ở Cao Van Hello, this is WalkLife. Today we are going to eat river noodles together. As the saying goes, the book has its own house of gold, the book has its own food coarse (** language homophonic so there is rhyme to). One day in class I read a text about a man who ate at a pho shop on Pasteur street every day. The teacher began to talk about ho chi minh's famous noodle shop. Closest to the school is Ph ở Cao Van. It's only about 10 minutes' walk. When I first came to Vietnam, I thought pho 24 was the best pho shop I'd ever eaten. "Right away silently shook his head, but as soon as the teacher hear that is Cong nghi ệ p, the Vietnamese is the industry, how to say it's industrial products? It's not about adding chemicals. I have eaten this myself many times and have not been very thirsty. As a kingdom of pasta, pho is one of the main pasta dishes in Vietnam. In addition, its main soup base is pho ga chicken pho, followed by pho bo beef pho. And don't underestimate the type of beef pho. It is also divided into tai gau gam nan according to the degree of maturity and the feeding site. The teacher suggested that we taste them on our own, so that we can know exactly what they are. Of course, you can also directly order a dat biet is a special meaning, almost all of the above. All right, before we know it, we're at this pho cao van. If the teacher did not tell me, this pho store actually looks like an ordinary pho store. I have seen once before that the price is 55.000 Vietnamese dong, about nt $72. The price in the first county was on the high side of the middle, but it was so full of ingredients that it was delicious meat to eat. Tai is actually rare beef noodles, so you can see that it's pink, but it's just cooked and it's really delicious. In addition, it has to be said that the sauce is also very clever. Add his mysterious red sauce and instantly enhance PHO's umami flavor. Name: Ph ở Cao Van Price: 55.000 VND Address: 25 M ạ c Đ ĩ nh Chi, Đ a Kao, Qu ậ n 1 H ồ Chi Minh